L'italiano per l'arte (Monthly Subscription)

L'italiano per l'arte (Monthly Subscription)

$49.00 every month

Monthly subscription (renews on the first of every month - can be stopped at any time.)


A convenient way to pay: your tuition will be charged to your credit card on the first of every month. The subscription can be stopped at any time (as a courtesy, please give us at least 4 weeks advanced notice). Facile, no?

Intermediate Italian Conversation

Intermediate Italian Conversation

$54.00 every month
L'italiano per l'arte  May 2022 Tuition

L'italiano per l'arte May 2022 Tuition

Advanced Italian Conversation

Advanced Italian Conversation

Beginner Italian Conversation

Beginner Italian Conversation

L'italiano per l'arte

L'italiano per l'arte
